liberty for target's upcoming collection is what my summer dreams are made of. i can almost taste the sno-cones just looking at it! also, i need a crimper?
Liberty prints for target! AMAZING. I'm keeping my eye on that swimsuit. It sucks though whenever they do these designer for target collaborations (ie: Rodarte), they're wiped out easily and what's left are either too tiny or too large sizes. :/
what!? A liberty bathing suit! This is worth renewing my passport so I can head south and raid a Target.
Liberty prints for target! AMAZING. I'm keeping my eye on that swimsuit. It sucks though whenever they do these designer for target collaborations (ie: Rodarte), they're wiped out easily and what's left are either too tiny or too large sizes. :/
i'm excited for that jumpsuit and the undergarments!
love it, espesh the swimmer!
the long purple dress is nice
I pretty much need ALL of the Target Liberty stuff...I need to save up or rob a bank!
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