jimmy fallon, who knew you had such awesome taste in magazines?!? did any of you guys see this on friday?? i didn't, but after getting an "OMG, i just saw bust on tv!" text from my awesome friend amber i tracked it down online and completely freaked out. seeing jimmy give some love to this glossy product of my blood, sweat, and tears (ok, maybe not blood. but definitely sweat. and a few tears.) totally made my weekend. men we love indeed.
i've always had a thing for jimmy.
you know, when i was home at my mom's house a few weeks ago, i was looking through photo albums from college, and there i was- wearing my black long sleeved BUST t-shirt. i loved that shirt. another favorite is the W.W.J.J.D? that's been around forever! i bought that for my best friend like 10 years ago!
ahhhh! seriously! when Jimmy first came on, I was still in school and watched late night religiously, and his show was NOT FUNNY. but the kitsch has grown on me, and he gives props to some pretty rightful things...and of course you guys deserve it! durrrr
ah, i heart bust. glossy and fashiony and recipes for homemade deodorant!
Best magazine EVER!!! Even my boyfriend gets gitty when I bring home new issues, you don't find articles and features that good anywhere else. Keep up the good work. The magazine has only been getting better and better, and I love that the fashion featured in the magazine is still accessible/affordable, i.e., I could actually go out and buy something that I saw in the magazine instead of a t-shirt costing more than I make in a week.....or more than my rent, granted it's Bushwick.
woot woot! What could be better then a shout out from Jimmy?
Well done you and the BUST crew deserve the love
amy...so RAD that you sported a bust shirt in college!! i would LOVE to see that pic.
and the rest of yous are so nice! seriously, your bust props mean a lot to me. like, a lot a lot.
that's so exciting! Bust magazine is the best. you know, its funny, when i started reading your blog I had no idea you wrote for Bust and when i realized it it was a cherry on top of the blog sunday!
Yeah he's good but my favourite is Craig Ferguson
congrats and I adore Tracy Morgan!!
hurrah! it was a great issue. and i'll just chime in the bust-loving with a "bust is awesome!"
it is really & truly the only magazine i subscribe to.
so radical!!!
congrats, your sweat+tears look mad good on tv.
p.s. i'm selling vintage at herster st next saturday with the circa no/court gals-you should stop by if you can.it'd be great to see you!
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