against my better judgment (STRICTLY financially speaking) i went to the
steven alan sample sale tonight and by some minor miracle managed to escape with just one item: the most perfect, softest, coziest
flannel ever made (see above). serrrrussly, guys, i'm wearing it as i type and i am so distracted by its comfort i can barely make complete sentences (or be bothered to spell correctly!). in fact, i'll probably be wearing this button-down just about every day till, oh, i don't know, may. i also had my eye on this coat:

and this shirt:

but i really think i made the right decision, for me and my credit line. unless of course, i swing back by on sunday and they both happen to still be there. cause then it was totally meant to BE, right?!? riiiight.
how was the sale? any good deals on, oh, I don't know, the ella velvet skirt in yellow? I'm coming up to NY this weekend, but won't get in till 4 on Sunday, and I'll be uptown...damnnnnnnn
RIGHT. they're all so gorgeous.
megan...i don't remember seeing the ella skirt but i may have just been blinded by all the flannel. but if it was there, it would probably be gone by sunday night. sad face.
rebecca...thanks for the reinforcement!
I figured as much...sad face is right...but perhaps it's the best for my wallet...by I can understand why you were blinded by all the steven alan flannel...jeeeeeealous...
I have a shirt almost exactly like the one on the bottom pic but mines by H&M...hmmmm
I love reading your blog!
yes, you totally made the right decision! i nearly went broke at the save fashion sample sale..but it's my birthday, so its ok (at least... i hope so..)
i want it now
Be careful...I might just steal that shirt next time I'm in NYC!
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