i have a confession to make. last weekend i watched badlands...for the FIRST TIME. like, ever. this statement is especially embarrassing considering my strange fascination with sissy spacek (she is sooo creepy cool), the fact that badlands was made in my favorite decade (1973), and that it’s loved by my film nerd of a boyfriend (he works at the academy of motion pictures for chrissakes). how is it possible that i OWN legally blonde 1 & 2 (the sequel was a GIFT! true story, i swear) yet this classic had escaped me. well hot damn was it worth the wait. i'm a huge fan of lovers-on-the-lam movies and this one is a beautiful doozie. makes me wanna hit the open roads of montana, live in a tree house, and wear short shorts while i twirl baton, sans killing spree, obvz. screen shots via i love hot dogs
Badlands is one badass movie...I saw it during a required film course at NYU, and was like, wahhh? martin sheen? who knew...but even though you own Legally Blonde, at least you're not my ex-dormmate (a film major, mind you) whose favorite movie was Legally Blonde...I guess someone has to make that crap...though I'm not gonna lie; I did watch the whole MTV series abt it being made into a musical, and loved it...anyways...
Oh gosh you got me back in the Badlands spirit! Glad you mentioned this film, gets me all sentimental, and way to find some beautiful shots! Sissy, missy, I need her hair!
ohhh! on my netflix queue now! I've been on that same drive a few times as a kid...
Badlands is one badass movie...I saw it during a required film course at NYU, and was like, wahhh? martin sheen? who knew...but even though you own Legally Blonde, at least you're not my ex-dormmate (a film major, mind you) whose favorite movie was Legally Blonde...I guess someone has to make that crap...though I'm not gonna lie; I did watch the whole MTV series abt it being made into a musical, and loved it...anyways...
beautiful screen shots!
Oh gosh you got me back in the Badlands spirit! Glad you mentioned this film, gets me all sentimental, and way to find some beautiful shots! Sissy, missy, I need her hair!
don't call me film nerd, blog nerd.
Have u seen Three Women with Sissy Spacek??? The best!!!!!!
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